Monday, 16 November 2015

Ikea Skirt

The renovation of the family beach shack has meant that we've ended up at Ikea on more than one occasion. If not buying various bits and pieces, then at least looking at and chosing bits and pieces to buy at a later date when we are able to cart them home or have the room in the shack to store them until we have time to assemble them.

As always, this meander through the store includes a short stop in the fabric department (yes, Ikea sells fabric by the metre). This is where we found the fabric for the shack's curtains and more recently where I found the fabric for this amazing skirt:

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The Island of Delos

17 July 2012

My week touring the Greek islands didn't feel complete without a visit to Delos, one of the small islands off Mykonos. 

Once the centre of the political world, it is now an archaeological reserve with ruins as far as the eye can see, and unfortunately, acres of dry grass that obscured various monuments, murals and carved marble remains. Progress is slowly being made in clearing away this organic matter, but given the size of the site and the state of the Greek economy, this will take a while. In the interim, one requires a good camera, a better imagination and an appreciation of the bits that are visible.