Thursday, 11 December 2014

Christmas Windows - Fortnum & Mason

Growing up, Christmas windows were not a regular part of Christmas. The one of note was located in Melbourne which we only saw once in a blue moon when visits coincided with the festive season.

So moving to London I was excited to hear about the Fortnum and Mason windows, and that first year, they did not disappoint. Situated on a corner, Fortnum and Mason had divided their windows, allowing for two completely different effects.

One half of the facade was a woodland grotto piled high with as many extravagant material goods as your heart could desire.

The other facade of windows was less ornate, but more skillful, depicting three dimensional paintings that appeared to have been the work of Brueghel among others.
Unfortunately their very nature meant that it was difficult to capture the effect on film.

Heading back to London again this year during the festive season I took the opportunity to see the windows again. 

This year they weren't so good. Less opulent woodland folly with a decadence suited to the mistresses of Charles II and more an afternoon's hunting party dated to any time in the first half of the 20th century.

Rather subdued in comparison.

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