Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Grand Tour #∞+1

I can't remember how many lengthy sojourns to the continent I've made but I'm about to embark upon another one, tonight.

My sister and her partner live in Berlin, Germany and as a dear friend is getting married next December, if I want to spend one Christmas with Tegan and Andy while they're there, it kinda has to be this year.

So, being joined in the adventure by a couple of family members we're setting out, with the plans to at least spend Christmas together, but other than that do some stuff together, disappear off to do our own things for a while, meeting up for a weekend, or two or three, of Christmas markets (and the associated marzipan and gluhwein)... before converging for Christmas in Spain and then separating again and making our own way home, the long way.

Generally having a wonderful time in cold wintery Europe when instead we could be enjoying hot a 40 degree + Christmas day here.
Such a difficult choice.

So, the travel list (and hopefully future blog posts) include...

  • Upper Bavaria (from a base camp of Seeon Abbey)
  • Munich
  • Salzburg
  • Fussen (nearest town to Neuschwanstein)
  • Cologne
  • London
  • Berlin 
  • Dresden
  • Granada (which I always end up spelling Grandad)
  • Cordoba
  • Seville
  • (Ronda)
  • Barcelona
  • (Venice)
  • Athens
  • Mainland Greece (focusing on more ancient monuments)
and possibly one or two more places thrown in for good measure.

Should be an awesome trip!

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