Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Baby Bloomers

So my cousin has had a kid. A bouncing baby boy.
And this, combined with my latest hobby of sewing up a storm resulted in the decision to attempt to make him something. A decision made some time ago, I'll admit.
I was going to make a fluffy onesie but time or lack of confidence or other projects or something ran away with me.

So instead, with summer coming I've changed plans and decided on a pair of suspender rompers (or barboteuse as my mother keeps calling them).
Having raided the clearance pile at Spotlight I found some gorgeous fabric; bold, bright and referencing his Mexican and Australian heritage (sorry Germany).

Using an old pattern, the dimensions of his chubby little legs as a guide and some old supplies stashed away, I set about making a very adorable set of bloomers.

Lets just hope he doesn't grow out of them too soon...

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